Environmental management  

Learning Outcomes This course aims at the an in-depth study of integrated environmental management and assesment tools. Special emphasis is given in case studies relevant to: (i) Life Cycle Assessment, (ii) Ecological Label, (iii) Environmental Management Systems, (iv) Environmental Indicators and Indexes, (v) Sustainable Product Design, (vi) General Proncipals of Environmental Economics, (vii) Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, (viii) Environmental Statisics, (ix) Optimal Desicion Support Approached for Environmental Management. General Competences Apply knowledge in practice Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies Make decisions Work autonomously Work in teams Design and manage projects Respect natural environment Course Content (Syllabus) 1. Environmental Law 2. Life Cycle Assessment 3. Environmental Management Systems (EMS) 4. Ecological Label 5. Environmental Indicators and Indexes 6. Sustainable Product Design 7. General Proncipals of Environmental Economics 8. Multi-criteria Decision Analysis 9. Environmental Statisics 10. Climate Change and Energy Strategies 11. Optimal Desicion Support Approached for Environmental Management
Environmental management

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